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primary school



Welcome to our website!

We are a small village school set in large grounds with super children, friendly staff and supportive parents and governors!

Our school ethos is to create a safe, caring, happy and stimulating learning environment where everyone feels valued and included in our school family. Our school motto 'We can... We will!' highlights our drive to aim for personal excellence in all we do!

Our committed staff provide an environment where individual needs are met to enable all our children to achieve their full potential and equip them with life skills necessary to prepare them for their future... And for them to leave each day with a smile on their face!

If you would like to book an appointment t come and look at our school in action, please ring to book an appointment.

Thank you for visiting!

Mrs Carla Norris (Headteacher)

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Class of 2023/2024

If you have any questions, concerns or need any support with your child's learning, you can contact me via email at:

Twycross Zoo

Hedgehog Class really enjoyed their trip to the zoo yesterday! It was the first time that some of the children had been on a coach, so the day was exciting from beginning to end. We spent lots of time learning about each of the animals we saw. A firm favourite was the gorilla who kept jumping on his platform, before he started climbing and then jumped down onto the grass! We got caught in a lunchtime rain shower but that didn't dampen our spirits. Take a look...

Summer 1

Let's Go Outside!

The beginning of the Sumer term has been so busy! Hedgehog Class have worked so hard throughout the half term. We'd like to share some of our best bits with you. We were very lucky to have chick eggs in school and Hedgehog Class spent lots of time observing the journey from egg to chick. Some of the children even felt brave enough to hold them! The children loved having them visit our classroom. We were particularly excited when one morning we saw that some chicks had begun to grow their feathers! Mrs Paskin even made sure we could watch a video of one hatching after we missed the big moment. 

Chicks weren't the only visitors we had this half term! We also were very lucky to be able to see the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies in action. The children spent several weeks watching as our 5 caterpillars grew, shed their skin, spun their chrysalises and transformed into butterflies. We spent lots of time discussing, observing and sketching each stage of the lifecycle. Hedgehog Class learned about the different parts of caterpillars and butterflies, they are experts in all things butterfly!

Our Muddy Monsters were perfect for exploring lots of types of minibeast! We spent a long time discussing the different habitats that insects and other minibeasts live in and then we used that knowledge to build some bug hotels! The children loved spending time bug hunting, looking under, high and low to see what they could find. There were lots of natural resources around us for making transient art pictures in the shape of butterflies, ladybirds and snails! 

Autumn 2 - Traditional Tales

This half term we have been looking at a variety of traditional tales, with a focus on Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We dressed up for World Nursery Rhyme Week and undertook a variety of activities throughout the week relating to a different nursery rhyme each day.  We have learned about Diwali, Hannukah and Remembrance day and created Diya lamps and Menorahs using paper plates and a poppy wreath with our handprints.  Finally, we performed The Nativity Story for our families.  We were amazing!

Autumn 1 - All About Me

We have had a very full first half term at Stanton Primary School.  During our Muddy Monster sessions we enjoyed using clay and natural materials to create faces on the trees.  We learned about Harvest and explored a variety of fruit and vegetables.  We particularly enjoyed the pumpkins!  We also had an amazing time learning different skills on the balance bikes.  Finally, we really enjoyed our topic enrichment day.  We made our own sandwiches, iced biscuits and explored the changes that jelly goes through as it is made.  The best part was eating everything we had made - sharing it with our favourite cuddly toys of course.

We have had a fantastic first few weeks at school!  We have been getting to know each other, exploring our classroom and outdoor area and had lots of fun on the balance bikes and playing playground games.  We particularly enjoyed our first Muddy Monsters session.

Supporting your child's learning at home



Reading - Remember to read at least five times a week and to complete the weekly reading homework task.  Please record these in your child's reading diary.  Reading books and reading diaries should be brought into school each day.  Reading books will be changed on Fridays.  Children will receive their Read 5, Hi 5 sticker on this day for completing their five reads and their reading homework task.


For a list of useful sites and resources to support your child's learning at home please click here