Welcome to Hedgehog Class
Mrs Fordham and Mrs Alton
Class of 2024/2025
If you have any questions, concerns or need any support with your child's learning, you can contact me via email at:
Supporting your child's learning at home
Reading - Remember to read at least five times a week and to complete the weekly reading homework task. Please record these in your child's reading diary. Reading books and reading diaries should be brought into school each day. Reading books will be changed on Fridays. Children will receive their Read 5, Hi 5 sticker on this day for completing their five reads and their reading homework task.
For a list of useful sites and resources to support your child's learning at home please click here
Our Yearly Overview:
Look at what we are learning in Autumn 1!
Look at what we are learning in Autumn 2!
Have a look at what we will be learning in Spring 1 !