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primary school



Welcome to our website!

We are a small village school set in large grounds with super children, friendly staff and supportive parents and governors!

Our school ethos is to create a safe, caring, happy and stimulating learning environment where everyone feels valued and included in our school family. Our school motto 'We can... We will!' highlights our drive to aim for personal excellence in all we do!

Our committed staff provide an environment where individual needs are met to enable all our children to achieve their full potential and equip them with life skills necessary to prepare them for their future... And for them to leave each day with a smile on their face!

If you would like to book an appointment t come and look at our school in action, please ring to book an appointment.

Thank you for visiting!

Mrs Carla Norris (Headteacher)

Year 1 Rabbit Class

Class of 2023/2024

Welcome to Year 1 Rabbits Class! This year we have the amazing Miss Harrison and Mrs Haywood helping in our class. In Year 1 we use formal teaching tables alongside continuous provision to help consolidate the children's learning and development. If you have any questions, or need any support with your child's learning, you can contact me on Class Dojo or via email at:


Spring 2 – The Enchanted Forest

In Spring 2 we spent a lot of time investigating different plants. We used the iPads to research and identify a wide range of plants and trees as well as labelling the jobs for the different parts of the plant. The children enjoyed planting their own seeds and watching them grow throughout the term!

We also did some lovely sketching of different plants, being very careful to add the small details that we could see on each petal.


World Book Day 2024

This year we had a wonderful World Book Day by coming to school dressed as our favourite book characters. We were able to complete all our sponsored challenges of: Reading outside, reading with a buddy, dressing up as a book character, reading a story by a black author and writing a book review!


Spring 1 – Terrific Toys!

For Spring 1 our history focus topic was on ‘Terrific Toys’. We discussed and experienced a variety of toys new and old. We looked at the toys our parents and grandparents played with before comparing them to some of our current favourite toys. We even looked at pictures brought in from home of our parents as children!

In Design and Technology, we created our own moving toy cars by recycling some old egg boxes. We carefully measured our wooden dowels before using a saw to cut them to size. We carefully painted our cars and once they were done we had a go at playing with them together.

As part of our English topic this half term we focused on the text ‘That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown’ by Cressida Cowell. We loved learning this story and after innovating parts of the text, we invented our own losing tales.


Autumn 2 – All Creatures Great and Small

Noah’s Ark Living Things Workshop

To introduce our Autumn 2 science topic of animals, Year 1 Rabbits were lucky enough to have an animal workshop visit our class! This visit was great to support our learning of mammals, reptiles and birds. The children were very brave and had the chance to hold a meerkat, skunk, chinchilla, chameleon, tarantula and snake to name a few! Oh my!

Dear Zoo Story Books!

As part of our English focus on 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell, we created our own Dear Zoo books with the animals of our choice. This was a great activity for encouraging descriptive language as well as learning to sequence stories to form a narrative. The children had a lot of fun being writers and it really ignited a passion for creative writing!


Autumn 1 – The Big Wide World

The children have settled well into Year 1 and have enjoyed learning all about the weather and how climates differ in hot and cold countries. To help immerse ourselves into our English non-fiction topic on weather reports, we built our own weather equipment to help us measure the weather! Take a look at some of our amazing weather vanes and anemometers below!

Let’s Go Fly A Kite! 

For our topic enrichment we filmed our group weather reports before spending a lovely afternoon flying the kites we made in Design and Technology. The children really enjoyed racing their kites against their friends!

Supporting your child's learning at home


Reading - Remember to read at least five times a week and complete the weekly reading homework tasks. Record all reading in your child's reading record. Reading books and records should be brought into school each day. OFriday, reading books are changed and children receive their Read 5, Hi 5 sticker on the chart for completing both parts of their reading homework.

Children will be given spellings to complete as homework through 'Spelling Shed'.  Please support your child in learning these by accessing the assignments at home using their Spelling Shed logins. Year 1 spelling tests take place every Friday.

Maths - Access NumBots for 25 minutes each week as part of their homework. To support your child's maths learning in year 1, please practise an activity from the following list for 5-10 minutes, 5 days a week.

  • Counting to 100 forwards
  • Counting to 100 backwards
  • Counting in 2s
  • Counting in 10s
  • Counting in 5s  

Your child should also have logins to access the following to support learning:

Purple Mash and TT Rockstars.

Spelling Shed


These have a variety of games and activities to support a range of learning opportunities.


For a list of useful sites and resources to support your child's learning at home please click here