Year 1 Rabbit Class
Class of 2024/2025
Welcome to Year 1 Rabbits Class! Year 1 is taught by Miss Nicholson and we have the amazing Miss Harrison helping us with our learning. In Year 1 we use formal teaching tables alongside continuous provision to help consolidate the children's learning and development. If you have any questions, or need any support with your child's learning, you can contact me on Class Dojo or via email at:
Supporting your child's learning at home
Reading - Remember to read at least five times a week and complete the weekly reading homework tasks. Record all reading in your child's reading record. Reading books and records should be brought into school each day. On Friday, reading books are changed and children receive their Read 5, Hi 5 sticker on the chart for completing both parts of their reading homework.
Children will be given spellings to complete as homework through 'Spelling Shed'. Please support your child in learning these by accessing the assignments at home using their Spelling Shed logins. Year 1 spelling tests take place every Friday.
Maths - Access NumBots for 25 minutes each week as part of their homework. To support your child's maths learning in year 1, please practise an activity from the following list for 5-10 minutes, 5 days a week.
- Counting to 100 forwards
- Counting to 100 backwards
- Counting in 2s
- Counting in 10s
- Counting in 5s
Your child should also have logins to access the following to support learning:
Purple Mash and TT Rockstars.
Spelling Shed
These have a variety of games and activities to support a range of learning opportunities.
For a list of useful sites and resources to support your child's learning at home please click here
Our Yearly Overview:
Have a look at what we are learning in Autumn 1!
Have a look at what we are learning in Autumn 2!
Have a look at what we will be learning in Spring 1 !