What is our Curriculum Intent at Stanton Primary School?
The curriculum in a school is the carefully planned activities that a school organises in order to promote learning and personal growth and development.
It not only includes the formal requirements of the National Curriculum but also the range of other ‘enrichment’ activities that a school puts in place to enrich and maximise the experiences of their children.
At Stanton Primary School we have developed our curriculum to ensure that our children are nurtured from the moment they join our school family and throughout their time with us they are immersed in the curriculum they need to equip them with skills for life and to reach their full potential. Our Curriculum is accessible for all of our children regardless of any special educational needs or disabilities.
We have involved our stakeholders – our Governors, staff, parents and children - in developing and reviewing our Curriculum here at Stanton. What should our Curriculum should look like for our children? What valuable resources have we got at our fingertips? What are the skills our children need? Where are the gaps in our children’s experiences and life skills? How can we fill these gaps to ensure that our children are equipped with the experiences, skills and knowledge that they will need for their futures?
Our curriculum at Stanton is shaped and reviewed using the results of stakeholder’s views, research and generally ‘knowing our children’. Some examples being that we know that a lot of our children don’t have chance to travel widely, so we put large importance on not only teaching languages across the school from Reception to Year 6 but also teaching them about the countries themselves and their culture and traditions.
Another example being that our stakeholders strongly feel that it is vital that our children learn life skills to equip them for their future such as First Aid and Budgeting and Finance skills. These are just a couple of examples that form part of Stanton’s Enrichment Plan.
We know that so many of our children can readily talk about things they have learnt through school trips and having a hands-on approach to topic work, in fact many Stanton children say the key facts and knowledge they retain has been from this approach. With this in mind, each topic taught for each year group at Stanton involves either a school trip, visitors into school and/or a Topic Enrichment Day.
Our Enrichment Plan at Stanton highlights our ‘hidden curriculum’ and encompasses what we value, who we are and what we strive to be…
As our school motto states... We can, we will…