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primary school



Welcome to our website!

We are a small village school set in large grounds with super children, friendly staff and supportive parents and governors!

Our school ethos is to create a safe, caring, happy and stimulating learning environment where everyone feels valued and included in our school family. Our school motto 'We can... We will!' highlights our drive to aim for personal excellence in all we do!

Our committed staff provide an environment where individual needs are met to enable all our children to achieve their full potential and equip them with life skills necessary to prepare them for their future... And for them to leave each day with a smile on their face!

If you would like to book an appointment t come and look at our school in action, please ring to book an appointment.

Thank you for visiting!

Mrs Carla Norris (Headteacher)

January 2022

Please click here for the latest COVID-19 Risk Assessment 






Please find below a table outlining learning provided by school if your child is absent due to Covid related issues.

Absences may only be for a few days if your child / family member / member of bubble is awaiting a test result.  Work expected for these first 1-2 days is outlined in the table. Absences may be for longer if your child is self isolating for the 10 days due to a positive test result. The work provided by school for this period is also outlined in the table below. Time out of school may be longer if there is a local or national lockdown.  The work provided by school in this eventuality is also outlined.

The work provided by school varies according to the length of the absence and is outlined in the document below.  Please click on the link for details.

Remote Learning Plan 




Please click here to see the remote education provision at Stanton Primary School


New Symptoms of COVID 19 to be aware of: 

Please book a PCR test if your child, or anyone in your household, experiences any of the symptoms outlined in the information letter below: 

Please click here for the letter from Dean Wallace, Director of Public Health Derbyshire, regarding the new symptoms to look out for relating to the Delta variant of COVID 19




Please click the link below to find out how you may be able to get a free increase to your mobile phone data allowance to support your child with their remote learning.  

Additional Mobile Data Allowance Information from the DFE


In light of the 4 week lockdown commencing 5th November, please click below to see a letter from Dean Wallace, Director of Public Health for Derbyshire.



Please click below to see the relevant documents:

First Day - 'Transition morning' arrival times:

Staggered start and finish times from September until further notice






Hope you are all keeping safe and and staying at home if at all possible.

Thank you for your kind words and support during this difficult time.  We are certainly in unprecedented times and we really appreciate your support as we continue to work through the guidance we are given from the Government and the Local Authority.  

Our teachers are really enjoying receiving the work sent to them and will reply to any email sent over. 

Work is set through the class pages on the website and will be refreshed every Monday. Don't forget that the individual targets that all children were sent home with when school 'closed' in March are also really important areas to practise. 

The main priority though is to Stay Safe and stay happy, healthy and keep smiling. 

We are always at the end of the phone or the end of an email so please stay in touch.

Latest information for parents from the DFE, LA and school is displayed below. We will regularly update as neccessary.  

 Sending all our best wishes to you all, 

Mrs Carla Norris x


Week beginning 22.6.20

The next part of our phased planning has enabled us to ensure that all children of key workers have an allocated place in school if they need this. 

We are now in the position to offer any Reception aged children a place in school for a number of sessions. Reception is the year group that the Government have informed us that we should prioritise with first.  I have rung to speak to these eligible families. Due to Government guidance and staffing we are only able to accommodate 6 children at a time into school.  This means that the reception children that will be returning to school will be able to have 6 days each in school before the end of the academic year.  The families have been informed of when their child can be in school.

We will continue to review the situation on an ongoing basis, but at this current time it is looking like we will not be able to extend to any of the other year groups before the end of the academic year due to space and staffing.  This will obviously be constantly reviewed.  I endeavour to speak to all families on an individual basis over the coming week.

Class teachers will continue to provide home learning via the class pages which will continue to be updated each Monday.  Please can we have your understanding with this and be aware that the teachers may not always be able to respond to emails as promptly as they have been doing due to them being in school each day alongside managing home learning.

Look after you and yours x

Mrs Carla Norris 



Week beginning 1.6.20


Our school has planned for a phased re-opening on the advice, and with the support, of the Local Authority and for the first part of this phase we have been able to extend our current provision for children of key workers.  This will commence from 1 June 2020.  The measures are designed around the health, safety and well being of the children, staff and parents and in line with government and DCC guidelines.

We hope to be able to plan for this provision to be extended to the year groups previously outlined by the Government but this can only be put in place if risk assessments and our circumstances allow and this can be done safely.

Class teachers will continue to provide home learning via the class pages which will continue to be updated each Monday.  Please can we have your understanding with this and be aware that the teachers may not always be able to respond to emails as promptly as they have been doing due to them being in school alongside managing home learning.   

Best wishes, 


Mrs Carla Norris


Please click here to see a copy of the Parent Letter sent out to key worker families coming into school wb 1 June 2020

Please click here to see a copy of the Parent Letter sent out to extended provision key worker families wb 22 June 2020

Please click here to see a copy of the Parent Letter sent out to parents of Reception age children wb 22 June 2020




Click here to see our Risk Assessment for children of key workers in school.

Click here to see our Risk Assessment for children of key workers and Reception age children in school.


Please find below a statement from Derbyshire County Council regarding the situation of the opening of schools from 1st June.

Please note that school will now currently not be open to the year groups Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 that were originally planned for. 

Key worker provision will continue.

Please click here to see the statement from Derbyshire County Council regarding the extending of school provision from 1 June. 


Room arrangements week beginning 1 June 2020

Please see photographs showing examples of rooms that we will be using for  provision.

The children will have their own allocated table and activities will be planned to adhere to the required social distancing.  The children will eat their lunch at their table and outside they will be encouraged to play social distancing games within their 'bubble'.  Outdoor activities will be planned for as often as possible so fingers crossed for some lovely weather! 




The Government have released guidance for parents supporting their children at home and can be found below.


Please click the link below for the latest advice and guidance from Derbyshire County Council

 Department for Education coronavirus helpline number is: 0800 046 8687

(opening hours 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday)